The backlit Q*bert marquee is made from the same material as the sideart attached to a 2mm thick plate of translucent plastic. Someone didn't take care while applying the vinyl to the plastic sheet, when the marquee is lit from behind one can see 3 small black spots (maybe flies or something).
I mount the marquee with 2 black plastic brackets (about 1 1/4 x 1/2 inch) from my local home depot. To make the screw not stand out that much, i paint them black using spray paint.
This picture shows the changed mounting of the neon light. I had it installed in the middle of the cabinet because i thought the light would be too strong, but in fact it was too dark. Left and right of the marquee i added a piece of black adhesive tape to prevent the light shining through the small crack between plastic and cabinet side.
Next: the hardware
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